Tuesday, June 26, 2018


 Green HR is the use of HRM policies to promote the sustainable use of resources within business organizations and, more generally, promotes the cause of environmental sustainability.

Green HR involves two essential elements: 

1. Environmentally-friendly HR practices
2. The preservation of knowledge capital.

Green HR is one which involves two essential elements: environmentally friendly HR practices and the preservation of knowledge capital.Green HR involves reducing your carbon footprint via less printing of paper, video conferencing and interviews, etc. (RANA V, Et al 2014)

The kinds of action taken within green HRM initiatives include educating employees about climate change and other environmental issues, training in working methods that reduce the use of energy and other resources, promoting and incentivizing more sustainable means of travel to work (e.g. car sharing, cycling, public transport), and auditing employee benefits to eliminate those that are environmentally damaging (e.g. unnecessary provision of a high powered company car)

Impact of Green HRM 

• Gaining perception, reputation and good will.
• Economically useful, hence direct impact on profit and enhances the return on investments.
• Better Power Utility
• Better Utilization of Resources
• Cost Effective
• Smarter Performance translated into Cheaper Products.

Companies who Have adopted GREEN HRM 

General Electrics
Uses six sigma technique for optimizing their operations to improve environmental and social outcomes in a manner that increases overall performance.

Uses green recruiting technique- Believes that most talented people get attracted because of it.

 eRecruiting Staffing Solutions

Hewlett Packard
Product take-Back programs, green packaging and integrating desgins.

Overall, being a green employer may help to increase : 

1. Employee motivation and engagement (through a shared set of values).
2. Create competitive advantage from the opportunities presented by changing markets.
3. Reduce labor turnover (because the organization is one in which people want to work)
4. Improve the health of the workforce (for example, by encouraging cycling to work, car sharing, public transport).


HRMI.ORG (2018) , http://hrmi.org/green-hrm/ , Accessed time time 00.32 , 2018.04.27

Saba Jafri (2011) , Green HR practices: an empirical study of certain automobile organizations of India , JK Business School , India.

Vishal R, Sonam J (2014) , Green HR Practices: An Empirical Study of Cargill, Jalgao , SSBT College, India.


  1. Interesting article. Good work

  2. Interesting facts...you could avoid point forms...check the References again

  3. Well structured and good referencing.

  4. fresh topic and interesting essay, keep it up

  5. Nicely arrange flow and good article..


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